Whole body Health Check Up in India | فحص الصحة
Changes in life style and food habits has resulted in a new paradigm of diseases- Life styleDiseases. Early detection and treatment of theses diseases , healthy changes in lifestyle and food habits are immensely important in preventing this type of health problems- ' prevention is better than cure.' We offer a package of complete check up of body to detect such diseases in early stage and give advises regarding healthy diet ,excercises and lifestyle changes.
- Full body health check up
- Heart check up
- Diabetic check Up
- Paediatric(child) check up
These include -
- Blood tests-
- Complete Haemogram, ESR
- Sodium, Potassium
- Calcium
- Glucose
- Peripheral smear
- Liver function test
- Kidney function tests
- Thyroid function tests
- Lipid (cholesterol ) profile
- X-ray chest
- Ultra sound scanning of abdomen
- Tread mill test
- Echo cardio gram
- Mammogram
- Pap smear